Double Fish



Round Rock Convention and Visitor Bureau
Round Rock CVB

spacerNational Collegiate Table Tennis Association
National Collegiate Table Tennis Association

spacerUSA Table Tennis
USA Table Tennis

Participant Information

Qualification for Championships singles and team events is through NCTTA League play leading to one of six NCTTA Regional Championships. Individuals and teams that have been extended an official invitation to participate in the Championships can register for the event and make travel/lodging arrangements using the information below.



The Championships tournament hotel is the Holiday Inn Austin North - Round Rock and the Courtyard by Marriott. Both hotels are located next to the Round Rock Sports Center (competition facility) and offers comfortably appointed guest rooms. Both tournament hotels are offering discounted rates for all of the tournament participants.

Visit the hotel page for more information and to book your reservations (and take advantage of tournament rates).


Athletes participating in Signles/doubles events are suggested to book tickets departing after 7:00pm from AUS on Sunday April 22 or anytime Monday April 23rd.

Air travel

Shuttle service - Check out the Transportation FAQ for more information about transportation.

Singles Registration

Singles qualification is through the singles competition at the NCTTA Regional Championships. Qualification follows Sections 7.3 (National Championships Regulations) of the 2017-2018 Rules and Regulations. Invited qualifiers can register for the Championships by completing the following steps:

  1. Complete the online Singles Registration Form by the appropriate deadline.
  2. Be sure you have a team/school uniform. Uniforms are required even for singles competition.

Deadlines and Fees:

March 17, 2018

Players qualifying directly by finishing in the top 8 spots (for men) or top 4 spots (for women) of their region » Early deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's singles: $75
  • Women's singles: $75

March 18, 2018

Players qualifying directly by finishing in the top 8 spots (for men) or top 4 spots (for women) of their region » Final deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's singles: $100
  • Women's singles: $100

Wild card players » Final deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's singles: $75
  • Women's singles: $75

March 21, 2018

Second chance wild cards (invited if some players decline) » Final deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's singles: $75
  • Women's singles: $75

Doubles Registration

Doubles registration is open to players that have already qualified for the Championships in either the singles or team event. Both players on a doubles team must represent the same school. The top 32 men's doubles teams and top 16 women's doubles teams entered by the registration deadline will be selected to compete in the Men's and Women's Doubles events. (Any doubles teams not selected will have their entry fee refunded at that time). See Section 7.4 of the NCTTA Rules and Regulations for more details on the doubles qualification process. To register for the Men's or Women's doubles event, please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the online Doubles Registration Form by the appropriate deadline.
  2. Be sure you have a team/school uniform. Both members of the doubles team must wear matching shirts during the doubles competition.

Deadlines and Fees:

March 21, 2018

Final deadline, entry fee $60/doubles team.

Team Registration

Championships qualification and competition follow Sections 7.2 and 7.6 (National Championships Regulations) of the 2017-2018 Rules and Regulations. Please read this document to understand the basic rules governing the event. Invited men's/coed and women's teams may register for the Championships by completing the following steps:

  1. Complete the online Team Registration Form by the appropriate deadline (see below).
  2. Email a photo of your team and an image of your school's logo (both print quality, 300 DPI or higher) to
  3. Be sure each team member has a team/school uniform. All uniforms should be identical.
  4. (Optional) Bring two team signs for the team scoreboards. Team signs should be tabloid size (11 x 17 inches), laminated, and the main color must not be white. NCTTA will have plain signs for each team, but you are invited to bring your own, stylized with your school logos. Your school name should be easily identifiable when looking at the sign.

Deadlines and Fees:

March 17, 2018

Teams - direct qualifiers (finishing top 3 for coed or top 2 for women at their regional tournament) » Early deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's/coed team: $275 + ($50/player above 4 players)
  • Women's team: $185 + ($40/player above 4 players)

March 18, 2018

Teams - direct qualifiers » Final deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's/coed team: $325 + ($50/player above 4 players)
  • Women's team: $235 + ($40/player above 4 players)

Wild card teams » Final deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's/coed team: $275 + ($50/player above 4 players)
  • Women's team: $185 + ($40/player above 4 players)

March 21, 2018

Second chance wild cards (invited if some schools decline) » Final deadline, entry fee:

  • Men's/coed team: $275 + ($50/player above 4 players)
  • Women's team: $185 + ($40/player above 4 players)

Fundraising and Financial Assistance: Please read NCTTA Funding Request Information for suggestions on requesting funds from your school and other sources of funding. If you would like to request financial assistance from NCTTA please complete the Financial Assistance Application but be advised that such assistance is very limited.

Additional Coaches, Managers, or Chaperones

The team registration fee is for up to 8 players and 1 coach/manager. In the event an additional coach, manager, or chaperone will be attending the Championships with a team or singles participant, the cost is $200 per person. Each coach registration includes the following:

  • Credential for access to the competition venue throughout the Championships
  • Lunch at the venue on days when the athlete(s) being coached are playing
  • Ticket to the Championships banquet

Schools sometimes only bring a single player to participate in singles/doubles without the rest of their school team. This coach, manager, chaperone should they attend the championships with said player will cost $50 per person. Each coach registration includes the following:

  • Credential for access to the competition venue throughout the Championships
  • Lunch at the venue on days when the athlete(s) being coached are playing
  • Ticket to the Championships banquet

To add an additional person please use the Additional Coach Registration Form. Deadline is March 21, 2018.


Championships Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about registering for or participating in the Championships, please contact
