Scholarship Program Selection CriteriaScholarship applications will be reviewed and evaluated
by the NCTTA Scholarship Committee. Recipients will be awarded based on
the three selection criteria described below (the percentage each counts
for is indicated in parentheses). Table Tennis Skill Level (30%)The level of table tennis ability as demonstrated by USATT or NCTTA rating and notable titles won at regional, national or international competitions. Academics (30%)A commitment to academic excellence as determined by
grades earned (GPA), scholarships awarded, and achievements recognized. Essay (40%)The essay should explain: 1) what attracted the
applicant to table tennis; 2) why he or she is interested in continuing to
compete while pursuing a degree; and 3) efforts to promote and develop the
sport (including involvement with the applicant’s local table tennis
community). Examples include involvement in USATT and NCTTA tournaments, coaching and training, and promoting the sport of table tennis. Maximum essay length is 1000 words. For questions or comments about this program, please email info@nctta.org. |
The National College Table Tennis Scholarship Program is supported by: You could have your name and/or
logo listed here by making a
contribution to the program.