20 Years and Counting--Florida State University Table Tennis

By Michael Reff (Florida State Alum)

NCTTA Media Committee

Florida State University Table Tennis team in 1998 (above) to current 2018 team (beneath)


Although a baby pong player's on the way,

The passion project of table tennis at FSU,

Started with a young man in 1998,

Who was about to embark on Graduate school.

A platinum anniversary, Willy Leparulo

Has been a stalwart founder and active coach,

For 20 years he really has much to show,

His legacy as a leader's beyond reproach

FSU TT has been in the champs 5 times,

Leparulo's been a player, coach and advisor,

Womens, men/coed teams and singles have seen their prime.

Each new experience makes him the more wiser.

We all know Willy as NCTTA president,

But when it comes to twenty years we salute you for club building well spent.