Membership Discounts are Available

Double Fish Balls
USATT Membership Discounts For NCTTA Graduates
NCTTA has recently teamed with USA Table Tennis to create a special opportunity where recent NCTTA grads can take advantage of a 1-year USATT membership for 40 percent off of the regular price. Yes, you read that right 40% off. USATT membership is the best way to stay involved with table tennis after graduation. So take advantage of this great deal! Read all about it at: NCTTA takes care of its alumni hoping that they then will return the favor to their collegiate clubs by donating their time or money or both to keep programs and teams alive.
Check out a new promotion with USA Table Tennis where NCTTA member clubs and their players can get 10 free USATT memberships. To activate this incredible NCTTA membership bonus schools must do the following:
- Sign up for NCTTA membership and pay here
- Complete NCTTA Eligibility form (putting the 10 who are eligible for the free memberships and those on your team for competition on form)
- Each of the 10 must go to to create a membership
- Fill out an NCTTA/USATT google form, email for the informaiton