NCTTA Looking For Help

Ever wondered how to get involved in NCTTA? Or how all of these events work?
Well, wonder no more: we are looking for:
· an NCTTA Alum,
· a Coach, OR
· even a player looking to get more involved in a grassroots organization like NCTTA.
Minnesota Division Director is available now and is in charge of a division that covers Minnesota, Iowa and Idaho.
Pacific Northwest Division Director is available now and is in charge of a division that covers Washington State, Oregon and Vancouver.
SoCal West Division Director is also available as well, covering parts of Southern California and Arizona.
Northern Florida Division Director is also available and covers all of Florida.
Upstate New York West is also available, and this area covers parts of Upstate NY near Buffalo, Rochester, and Ithaca
NCTTA Recruitment Director is also available, and this person is in charge of a committee that recruits new schools to NCTTA.
Contact to get involved!