PongSpace and NCTTA Enter New Era Together

PongSpace and NCTTA have been working together unofficially since last summer, but today both organizations announce their official relationship to the world! PongSpace and NCTTA's missions and goals align perfectly with the sport of table tennis. Both organizations are excited to combine resources to reach those goals.

PongSpace’s primary goal is to inform fellow "pongers" of resources, be it clubs, leagues, events and competitions. NCTTA is a national organization and governing body for college table tennis in North America with goals to promote college table tennis through their league system, coaching education and tournaments.

PongSpace is currently sponsoring AYTTO, a partner of NCTTA's, and thus the next logical conclusion was the PongSpace and NCTTA relationship. Last summer, PongSpace helped NCTTA by providing access to its registration software for the SPIN NCTTA Alumni events held all over the country. These Alumni events will continue this summer as well as other shared events. In addition, NCTTA member schools will be able to utilize the PongSpace server for more promotion and publicity of their respective clubs.

About PongSpace:
Pongspace is a for profit organization connecting table tennis enthusiasts and table tennis resources together. The company strives to promote the sport by incubating new entrants to the sport while assisting existing entities to increase activities and revenue. Pongspace is the “glue” connecting all spaces of the sport. Whether you are a table tennis toddler or retired senior, there is always a space for you at Pongspace. Pongspace.com

About NCTTA:
NCTTA is a National Organization and non for profit established exclusively for promoting the sport of table tennis at the College level. As the national governing body for college table tennis in the United States, NCTTA organizes elite intercollegiate competitions throughout North America. www.nctta.org


College Football does a weekly Top 25 ranking and so do other major Collegiate sports. We here at NCTTA decided to take a stab at it as well. These team ratings are based on your rosters that you submitted and using our NCTTA Team Ratings equations.

Note these Top 25 rankings have no bearing on any post season invitations, they are purely informational. Schools feel free to use this for your respective University Recreation and Sport Councils to try and leverage more funding, more space, more everything!



BEHIND THE SCENES--NCTTA looking for directors!

Ever wondered how to get involved in NCTTA? or How all of these events work?

Well, wonder no more: we are looking for

-an NCTTA Alum,
-a Coach, OR
-even a player looking to get more involved in a grassroots organization like NCTTA.

Minnesota Division Director is available now and is in charge of a division that covers Minnesota, Iowa and Idaho.
Pacific Northwest Division Director is available now and is in charge of a division that covers Washington State, Oregon and Vancouver.
Socal West Division Director is also available as well, covering parts of Southern California and Arizona.

Great Lakes Regional Director is available now and is in charge of a region that covers Upstate NY, Ohio schools near Akron and Canadian schools in Ontario and Quebec. This director is also a non-voting member of the NCTTA Board of Directors!

Directors have some perks, getting to come to the NCTTA Championships free, please reach out to hr@nctta.org to get on board with NCTTA in these positions!

NCTTA and AYTTO Partner Up for the George Braithwaite Scholarship

Two years ago Wednesday (October 26, 2020), a beloved legend in the US table tennis passed away. In honor of his immense contribution to the table tennis community and world peace, NCTTA and AYTTO teamed together to honor him with the Annual George Braithwaite Community Service Award for those high school seniors demonstrating a consistent and positive contribution to the AYTTO community.

It is now time to submit your nomination for the candidates. Please email your nomination to president@nctta.org, or admin@aytto.org. The selection committee will announce two winners this year on April 15, 2023, the birthday of the legend who many people know as “The Chief”.

Smiling faces in the name of NCTTA!

They came, they saw, and they partied in honor of NCTTA and in honor of College Table Tennis past, present and future!

NCTTA held its last ALUMNI Pong Party of the season at SPIN NYC. Almost 100 people came to hang out, eat, and reminisce about their NCTTA glory days. Combine that with current players from the Northeast and you have one hell of a pong party!

NCTTA has been reaching out to Alumni since the pandemic to get people playing again. Although it may not be the same passion and intensity of College Table Tennis past, it is the same community, the same camaraderie present.

NCTTA has one more month left in our National Fundraiser 1 to 1 match. At the SPIN NYC gathering, 1000 dollars was raised!

Thank you to everyone that contributed to the success including SPIN NYC, PongSpace, and NCTTA staff and as well as you the Alumni and current players.

If you liked these SPIN PONG Parties, we are looking for an ALUMNI Director, please email info@nctta.org for more info! More to come in the future!

NCTTA 2022-23 Season (Welcome Back)

Fall semester has started or just about to start for many Colleges and Universities and with that so is NCTTA.

NCTTA Registration will open up for this next season on September 7th on nctta.app

Interested in lowering your NCTTA membership fee?

-NCTTA Membership is 300 dollars a year now and if you are a returning school help to recruit a new school that did NOT play last year, then we will refund you 50 dollars and refund the new school 50 dollars as well!
-New school must contact NCTTA at info@nctta.org and claim your school as the “referral”.

NCTTA Pong Party at Spin Philly--August 27th

Where: SPIN Philadelphia

When: August 27th
MUST REGISTER HERE (free): https://pongspace.com/product/2022-nctta-party-at-spin-philadelphia/

Who: Open to NCTTA alumni, family, friends, current college tt athletes

Why: Supporting NCTTA alumni and our National Fundraiser where any donation given is DOUBLED!

NCTTA PONG Party at SPIN San Francisco--August 20th

Where: SPIN San Francisco

When: August 20th
MUST REGISTER HERE (free): https://pongspace.com/product/2022-nctta-party-at-spin-san-francisco/

Who: Open to NCTTA alumni, family, friends, current college tt athletes

Why: Supporting NCTTA alumni and our National Fundraiser where any donation given is DOUBLED!


Where: SPIN Boston

When: July 9th--
MUST REGISTER HERE (free): https://pongspace.com/product/2022-nctta-party-at-spin-boston/

Who: Open to NCTTA alumni, family, friends, current college tt athletes

Why: Supporting NCTTA alumni and our National Fundraiser where any donation given is DOUBLED!

2022 NCTTA Board Elections Voting

To NCTTA member school presidents/representatives:

Voting is now open for the positions of Treasurer, Vice President External Affairs, and Athlete Representative.

To view the candidates and their statements, and to place your votes, please go to https://forms.gle/sbkKFDXUTjyLrTY6A

The deadline for voting is 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Sunday, June 12.
1 vote per member school will be counted.

For any questions, please email elections@nctta.org
